Namibia est. 1951
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Ansprechpersonen Bogenschiessen:

Rüdiger Woortman Cell 085 124 1074
Frank Bockmühl Cell  081 127 8665
SKW Archers - SKW Bogenschiessen 2014
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SKW Archers - Fechter wins Teuguni Shoot in Windhoek

WINDHOEK – Sebastian Fechter was in top shape at last Saturday’s Teuguni Shoot at the SKW shooting range, where he finished as overall winner of this year’s competition.

The tournament, which got its name courtesy of a Namibian farmer who was known for breeding Teuguni cattle and who played an integral role in the start of the SKW archery range, was open to all local archers.

More than 20 participants battled it out. Fechter had gotten off to a good start during the initial 1440 ranking round in the Compound Cadet Men’s division. His score (1297) was however outdone by Jackson Engel who accumulated one more point (1298).
Our new chairman for SKW Archers is Louw Nel secretary Liezl Schoeman

Our next shoot is 29th November the Build-It SKW Year-End Shoot.

Viele Grüsse